Everyone harnesses some psychic abilities- even you! If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’re feeling the pull of the Universe towards something, and you’re looking for some guidance on how to explore what that something is.
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Everyone is a Psychic: A Beginner’s Guide to Nurturing Your Abilities
by 8wildcosmosby 8wildcosmos -
Just because hedgehogs are lower maintenance than other pets, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be prepared to bring one home. This includes basic hedgehog care supplies needed to keep your hedgie happy and healthy.
Visiting Chicago on a Budget & Why it’s the Only City in America I’d Consider Moving To
by 8wildcosmosby 8wildcosmosI remember I was planning a trip, trying to figure out where we should go next and I brought up Chicago. To say the least, Jenn wasn’t thrilled. “What’s in Chicago?” she asked. So I did the research. We went. And guess what happened? We ended up having the best time.
The bad news is that although the world has made great strides since Stonewall, some people have a hard time dealing with the fact that LGBTQ relationships are here to stay. But the GOOD news is that those in the LGBTQ community have tools that can help us stay happy and safe- and they all come from within you.
Looking for a super easy and healthy pescatarian dinner? Look no further!
You feel like that time has finally come. That moment everyone talks about, dreams and fantasizes about. That moment that you’ve thought, before this moment, was only a pipe dream that occurs in fairy tales and Hollywood movies.
You think, “This is the one. This is my soul mate.“