Yep, you read that right! Everyone harnesses some psychic abilities- even you! If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’re feeling the pull of the Universe towards something, and you’re looking for some guidance on how to explore what that something is.
Before we go any further, I should add in a quick disclaimer that I am no pro when it comes to psychic abilities and I won’t claim to be a professional at understanding the secrets of the universe. To be quite honest, I’m a beginner when it comes to all this- that’s why this is a ‘beginner’s guide’. In general, I like to and am best at writing what I know. So here is what I know, as a beginner- hopefully it may help give you an idea of where to start on honing your psychic abilities as well!
A little about me and my current place in my spiritual journey.
The realm of our abilities and existence goes far beyond what we can physically sense. I have been shown signs of this since I was a child. These signs have always been and still are especially clear when it comes to my dreams.
I remember once when I was in elementary school, I had a Sabrina the Teenage Witch Gameboy game. I was really stuck at this one part with a scene that looked like a thick forest. One night, I went to sleep and I dreamed about how to get passed the part I was stuck at- by taking a route I couldn’t see when I was awake. Lo and behold, when I woke up the first thing I did was try out what I saw in my dream- and I was able to get passed the part I was stuck at and move on in the game. This has happened so many times throughout my whole life. I will dream something, and the next day something will appear in my world, seemingly out of the blue, that relates to what I saw or experienced in my dream.
What is True about the Universe
The truth is that things are never out of the blue- they’re orchestrated, beautifully, by the Universe for us. There is no such thing as coincidences. Everything truly happens for a reason, one thing tying into the next. As I’ve grown older I have come to appreciate these occurrences, and this was really what led me to want to explore my spirituality and psychic abilities. The best part is that the more I research, study, and practice, the more the dots have started to connect and I feel like I’m that much closer to understanding that pull towards something that you may also be itching to explore, but don’t know where to start. Based on a fellow beginner’s experiences, here are some places to start.
1. Remember, you are a psychic already.
Every human has a soul that connects to a higher power whether they know it (or believe it) or not. It’s never about ‘becoming a psychic’, it’s about fine-tuning the abilities you already have. This is one the first things you must realize before starting your journey, and it will catapult you forward. This can be a very comforting thing to remember if, during your spiritual journey, you’re every feeling worried or concerned about your progress. So keep this tidbit in your back pocket if you’re ever feeling discouraged and remember that, in a way, you’re already where you want to be.
2. Meditate!
Every psychic, whether they’re far along in their journey or just beginning, will agree that meditating is crucial in fine-tuning your abilities. Personally, I had a lot of resistance to meditating throughout my life. The first thing that would always come to mind when I heard the word ‘meditation’ was an old balding monk sitting cross legged, eyes closed, pinching his forefingers together, and silently repeating ‘om’. This was incredibly hard for me to relate to and even picture myself doing. I saw it as boring and, thus, I underestimated the power of it.
The more research I’ve done, I’ve learned that meditation doesn’t just look like the image I just gave you. Have you ever zoned out in class, or waiting in line for something? This is a form of meditating. I talk more in depth about suggestions on how to meditate (especially for someone who might not like the idea of it at first) here, but for now I will tell you that meditating is imperative to honing your skills. This is because meditation is one of the best ways to unblock all of the distractions of the earthly world that get in the way of us connecting to ourselves and the Universe spiritually. It’s a way to quiet the sounds of every day life and to feel, and be, and to connect to the things that we cannot physically see and feel when we are just going through the motions of every day life.
3. Begin to pay closer attention to ‘the signs’.
The Universe is sending us signs all the time that are meant to guide us throughout our life. These signs are usually not visible or apparent to those who choose not to or are not ready to believe this, which may reinforce their argument that this realm of spirituality is not real. They may come to us in a dream, or materialize as a verbal reminder given to us that we needed to hear from someone seemingly ‘out of the blue’. Either way these signs are happening around us and to us all the time, it’s just up to us to actively receive them and investigate what the Universe is trying to tell us by giving them to us. When you start to do this, you will see how things begin to connect, how things will fall into place, and you will start to live the life you want to live. This is the Universe guiding you to where you want to be.
Related to honing your skills as a psychic, you should do your best to always be open to and listen closely to these signs and use them to guide your actions and, later in your journey, even help guide the actions of others.
4. Stay grounded.
You may feel trapped by the happenings of every day, modern life- happenings that demand your attention 24/7. In a world that is constantly moving faster than you feel like you can keep up, it is easy to feel this way. I know I feel this way at least once a day- I’m stuck thinking about what I have to do, the next thing I have to do, and then the next. This makes it incredibly hard for me to stay grounded sometimes, and this overwhelming feeling can make it that much harder to connect spiritually.
The things in the world that are easy for us to physically sense are quick to overwhelm us. But in order to connect spiritually to ourselves and the Universe, we must take the time to quiet these material aspects of life to make room in ourselves to open up to the spiritual aspects.
You can do this by meditating, or maybe going outside and consciously experiencing and appreciating the nature around you. Feel your feet on the ground. Try to stop and think about your place in the Universe and how you’ve gotten to where you are in your life, today. Think about all the small moments in your life that have led up to this moment and, if you’re happy, thank the Universe for guiding you here. If you’re not happy, ask the Universe for guidance and listen to what it tells you- in your heart- what you need to do to be where you want to be. The idea is to stop and take the time to be– to recognize your spiritual self and connect it to the spiritual Universe without your mind being muddled by material things and earthly blockages that attempt to command your attention. Then, you can more clearly hear the silent call of the Universe.
5. Don’t force it.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned throughout this journey, it’s that everything happens when it’s supposed to and it happens the way it wants to- not necessarily the way you always want it to. The things I’ve learned that have come most easily to me, came to me naturally and not when I was attempting to reach it. It’s easy to become excited when exploring the realm of spirituality and psychic work- it may make you feel powerful, or even special. But it’s important to realize that these aspects of our ego don’t matter as much as simply receiving what the universe is ready to give is, in its own time.
This doesn’t mean that we don’t have to also put in our own work to hone in our psychic abilities, such as practicing meditation. It simply means that if you are clouded with feeling obsessive over your abilities or wanting to be ‘better than others’ because you think you may be able to more easily feel what others aren’t ready to, you may not achieve the results you want. This is because your intentions are not rooted in spiritually being free and open to the Universe but, rather, are rooted in earthly things. And earthly intentions will only keep you attached to those earthly and material blockages, as mentioned earlier.
In sum, you must maintain a balance between putting effort into learning how to hone in to your skills and practicing what you learn, as well as letting the Universe do its job- which means trusting and letting what is, be.
6. Tap into your intuition.
In order to tap into your psychic abilities, you must also tap into a very important component of psychic work- your intuition. I cannot stress this enough. Your intuition may manifest itself as that first ‘gut reaction’- that voice that’s deep inside you that tells you to do one thing or to avoid another. Whichever way it manifests itself, our intuition is what ties our psychic abilities together.
You intuition works with the Universe to help you better understand those ‘signs’ that we talked about earlier. So, naturally, if you are able to actively tap into your intuition you will be able to better understand what the Universe wants to tell you and where it is trying to guide you- therefore enhancing your psychic abilities.
Trusting your intuition is also another way of trusting the Universe. You must always trust your first instinct- consider this excerpt from an eBook I’ve found quite helpful in expanding on psychic abilities:
Intuition is unique for everyone. The trick is to decipher your thoughts and feelings from your intuition. If you are hearing anything negative, this is NOT your intuition. Your intuition is non-emotional and will give you information in your own unique way. Maybe you feel something physically warning you of danger. Maybe you feel it from deep within, a gnawing action in your stomach and maybe you also hear and see and feel what your intuition is telling you. Do not think too long on the message, then your thoughts will get in the way of the message and totally mess up what your intuition was trying to tell you from the start. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS go with your FIRST feeling and/or intuitive thought!!! I can’t stress this enough. Do NOT doubt yourself. You are right the first time!
Maggie Anderson- “Awakening Your Psychic Abilities and Spiritual Awareness”
Intuition is what you can come back to when you don’t understand a sign and, if you are able to fully trust in and listen to it, it will never fail you. If you truly listen to and follow your intuition, you will eventually end up exactly where you are supposed to be.